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  1. A Great Experience here in Dinosaurland

    When you think about Vernal, you can only think of one thing— DINOSAURLAND! Yes, you are right. Vernal is the best tourist spot where you can experience the thrill and see with your own eyes the magnificent and amazing remnants of these creatures. After this Pandemic is over, make sure to visit these two best…

  2. Dine In The Hotel With These Great Take-Out Options

    Vernal has some excellent take-out options so you can eat comfortably at home! Antica Forma Enjoy pizza and other classic Italian dishes from Antica Forma.  Try mussels in white wine, followed by carfioci pizza or a bowl of seafod fra diavolo in its spicy red sauce.  Everything is made fresh with top quality ingredients for…

  3. Visit Vernal When The Pandemic Is Passed

    Vernal has been around since the time of the dinosaurs and will still be around after COVID-19 is long gone – in the meantime, just dream of how beautiful the town is! You can’t visit Vernal without saying hi to Dinah. Dinosaurs are very popular. That’s why Vernal is called Dinosaurland. There’s so many amazing…

  4. Movies To Watch While You’re Social-Distancing

    If you are spending more time in the hotel than expected due to coronavirus, here’s some great movies to keep you entertained! Outbreak Kevin Spacey, Dustin Hoffman, Donald Sutherland When ebola-by-a-different-name is brought into the U.S. via an illegally imported monkey, doctors in the small town see a potential pandemic where the military leader and…

  • Stay Longer, Save more

    Unpack and Stay a While

  • Things To Do in Vernal
